Today a bit Sleepy and let us discuss something ...
*Going to Book Rack and opening some Motivation Book*
Ermm Ok ,Let us discuss about attitude, what is attitude? In goggles, it is defined "Attitude is a key concept in social psychology". If you converting the alphabetical into numeric form, the word ATTITUDE becomes 100 marks. Let Count now
A - 1
T - 20
T - 20
I - 9
T - 20
U - 21
D - 4
E - 5
Total is 100 Marks
Do you realize why it is so important? hahaha As I mention in the previous Blog that I wrote, Attitude include a few attribute, One of then is Strong Mindset or it can said having a positive thinking/mindset. Positive thinking is a SKILL. Do you agree? If you think positively you will do positively, but if you thinking negatively you will do it negatively. Let we discuss by using this example of having a Dating with girl.
Case: You invite a girl who you admire to having a dinner, but she reject because she said he got something to do.
Positive thinking
- You will think is fine and will try on next date with her
Negative thinking
- You will she are avoiding from you and she don’t like you
What do you think? The negative thinking is totally making the situation out of scope and it will not make other date with the girl. It over Emphasis the situation and make a wild guess. You should not think negatively. Even a guess, we should make a positive guess.
Why I wanna discuss Attitude issue again and again? Because I realize a lot peoples are really don’t know how to think positively on the problem they face. I am not saying that I am good, but at least I will think positively for every problem I face. I hope everyone will have a positive thinking in their life.