WWW in IT world categories and mean as World Wide Web... but real life we call it What We Wan... WWW actually in our life? What you want (WYW) it really what I wan (WIW)? it sould confuse right?
If you going to compare what you want and what I want... you going to crazy... everyone have different need and what they like... maybe some dont have but let said everyone also have. Compare? we cant.
Let give a example.. WYW and WIW is different... what is conclusion. Let me tell you... if it is different there only have few possiblity.
1) This 2 person will hate each other (enemy)
2) If not a enemy also will life very very difficult
3) The only way is Tolerant.
I think Tolerant is important in this thread. Let understand 1st what are tolerant.
"Showing respect for the rights or opinions or practices of others"
I like the meaning but maybe I not yet get success to pratice this meaning. To be mutual about WYW and WIW tolerant is the key.
But what is the level of tolerant? It abstract and it really depend on yourself. Some people have high tolerant level and some very very less. For example, A 2 friends live in same room. I can tolerant the sound of the fan (sound like errrrr errrrr) but not my friend... This what we call tolerant.
WIW is only a bed for sleep but not my friend, what he want (WHW) a very comfortable quite place. To solve this problem either repair/change fan, change room or get use to the sound.
who should be tolerance?
Option 1 (no 1 tolerant)Change room? ermmm maybe not a good idea for giving more rental (trouble) or maybe too hard for getting a new room.
Option 2 (both of them tolerant)Repair/change the fan? ermmm it might take a long and if after repair maybe still have some sound? depend on them.
Option 3 (friend tolerant)Get use to it... ermm then what is the tolerance level... if high then ok but is not a good option if want to stay longer in the room.
I would said there do not have a good option... What we can do is still same word... tolerant. 2 of the friends should tolerant each others.
Remember all my friend WWW is always different. Dont compare WYW, WIW, WHW or WSW. Conclusion you more suffer than others.
Life is short... stay cheer and Happy !