Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Last Day of Febuary

The unpredictable months... Febuary can be 28 or 29... when I said Last day of Febuary, what will you all think? Same like my feeling... What you all will think? 28 or 29? (happy or sad I mean)

I should said... a sad night. What I done had been destroy with what I been done. I should said very dissapointed or I made someone dissapointed? I don't know... or maybe I should know.

I found this sentences in web said that :-

"Love is best seen as devotion and action, not an emotion. Love is not exclusively based on how we feel. Certainly our emotions are involved, but they cannot be our only criteria for love. True devotion will always lead to action - true love."
For my opinion, if love is base on thinking, emotion or judge able, then I should not a true love.

I feel this very interesting, you all can try out...

I always tell myself, when I am not happy I must tell out to anybody... that might release and become more and more relax or what we call release tension. Dont stress, dont pressure and dont keep something in heart can live longer... This what I learn when I was young... maybe the sentense I miss understand... or maybe I used wrongly... I dont know...

If something that made me sad... I will try to solved it immediately. Same to my reader who read now... There must have a ways... choose what we like and not later we regret ...

Maybe I talk too much... I should shut my mouth up and hope my life can be good and great in future.

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