The title of this post maybe be quite long but it is a interesting topic. I have working experience for about 6 years and I have learn something in Master study, I did have some opinion to write about this. I experience what is call a good and what is bad one. Sometime it is very abstract to describe them but in overall I have my own defination. Leader not mean to be company boss or president. It can be senior, people who guide us or even our coll it. Do you have a great leader or are you a great leader?
1) Communication Skill
- As a leader, communication is very much important. Do you agreed? If you cant communicate with your own subordinate, how you going to handle them? Think about it. Communicate is not ordering, If you used to order ur staff that is not ordering =)
2) Forgiveness / Tolerance / Reponsiblity
- This is intresting, I catogeries them as one because there are related the leader personality. Let say:- when your subordinate doing a big mistake and your boss is screwing you. What should you respond?
Good Leader : Take the responsiblity and after that disscuss with ur subordinate what is going wrong
Bad Leader : Blame your staff and start to covering your ass =)
3) View / Decision Making
- Decision or view cant evaluate from the person behaviour. Take me as example, dont look at my weakeness... try to look my strength to evaluate me rather than always look at my weakness right? Same like you ! If you are senior or leader next time... dont decide a person from their weakness... But disscuss with them and talk nicely about the improvement that can be.
4) Working Attitude
- I like my current leader... which my PM now. He dam busy but he still can spare sometime for relax and play sports with us. He always told us "Work Hard when you are working and Play Hard when you are playing". I like it.
Good Leader: Always disscuss with you about jobs/taks rather just ordering.
Bad Leader: Ordering you to work without consider ur situation and problem u have.
There are actually alot more way to differentiate a good and bad 1... Are you having a good leader right? Appreciate if u have and if you dont? I suggest you try to do something about it :)
p/s: Friend, work is work but take sometime to relax ok? Dont do until no time to rest. Take care your health.